Object Detection for Estrous Staging (ODES)

About ODES

ODES (Object Detection for Estrous Staging) leverages Ultralytics's YOLOv8, for classification of the estrous cycle stages in mice. By employing object detection techniques, we address the limitations of traditional vaginal cytology methods, providing a faster, standardized, and more generalizable approach.

Upload your images

We recommend using stained images and having all of your images in one folder before uploading.

ODES accepts images in the following formats: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp

*Once results are generated we recommend manually inspecting images flagged as low cell count.


Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about ODES take a look at our paper or reach out to us via email.

Paper: A novel method for estrous cycle staging using supervised object detection

Email: rachel.ross@einsteinmed.edu

Ross Lab website: https://rosslab.einsteinmedneuroscience.org/