Research on stress and snacking


Rachel Ross, MD, PhD

Principal investigator
B.S. Biological and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University
M.D., Ph.D. Molecular Pharmacology Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Psychiatry Residency MGH/McLean
Post-doc with Dr. Brad Lowell at Harvard Medical School BIDMC Division of Endocrinology

Strange but true: Rachel’s first job was driving an ice cream truck

Alternative dream job: cobbler

Michaela Cooke

Ph.D. Student
Graduate Student in the Biomedical Sciences
B.A. Neuroscience, Dartmouth College

Alternative dream job: fitness trainer

Roma Patel, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow/Postdoc Biochemistry, Weill Cornell Medicine
Ph.D. Biochemistry, M.Sc. Medical Biotechnology, B.Sc. Life Sciences; The Maharaja Sayajirao University

Alternative dream job: aerospace physiologist

Priyanka Das

MSTP Student
B.S. Bioengineering, Northeastern University

Alternative dream job: marine biologist

Antonin Cornillon

Research trainee
B.S., Biology, Northeastern University, 2024

Alternative dream job: Professional Equestrian

Nicole Bejany

Postdoctoral Fellow
PGY-4 resident in Psychiatry, Montefiore Medical Center
MD University of Arizona, Tucson
MPH Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health
BS Emory University, Anthropology and Human Biology
BA Emory University, Human Health

Alternative dream job: chef

Miledys Guzman

PGY2 Primary Care Social Internal Medicine
MD CUNY School of Medicine
BS Biomedical Science CCNY

Alternative dream job: chef

Manasa Samavedam

Postdoctoral Fellow
PGY-2 resident in Internal Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center
MD Albert Einstein College of Medicine (2023)
BS University of California Davis, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2019)

Alternative dream job: Greeting Card Designer

Menjin (Katie) Kuk

B.A., Spanish Language & Culture, Princeton University

Alternative dream job: event planner

Desara Zejnati

High school intern
Bronx High School of Science, class of 2025

Alternative dream job: antique book shop owner

Mekhala Mantravadi

Summer undergraduate research student (SURP)
Neuroscience, Smith College (BA in progress, class of 2026)

Alternative dream job: baker

Bianca Stith

Undergraduate student intern
Psychology, Lehman College (BA in progress, class of 2027)

Alternative dream job: neuropsychologist

Janna Han

High school student intern
Watchung Hills Regional High School (graduating 2026)

Alternative dream job: bakery owner

Adonis Bray

High school student intern
Pelham Lab School

Alternative dream job: entrepreneur

Benjamin Babaev

Summer Undergraduate Research Student
Biomedical Engineering, City College of New York (B.E. in progress)

Alternative dream job: rocket scientist

Saachi Goyal

High school student intern

Alternative dream job: neurosurgeon

Future Members of the Lab

Past Members of the Lab

Aleesha Redway

High school student intern—PENS scholar
Pelham lab school

Alternative dream job: teacher

Kate Callahan

Research Trainee
B.S. Cognitive neuroscience, Brown University

Alternative dream job: costume designer

Yatzil Mota Perez

High school student intern, PENS scholar
Pelham Lab School

Alternative dream job: pediatric neurologist

Genesis Wilson

High school student intern, PENS scholar
Pelham Lab School

Alternative dream job: child psychologist

Elisabeth (Liz) Saraceno

Research Trainee
B.A. Neuroscience, Skidmore College

Alternative dream job: Personal chef

Alejandra Vivas Carbo

PGY-2 resident in Psychiatry, Montefiore Medical Center
B.S. Psychology, Nova Southeastern University
B.A. Interdisciplinary studies and Biology, Florida International University
M.D. Robert Larner College of Medicine, University of Vermont

Alternative dream job: Zumba instructor

Aldwin Soumare

Neurology resident at UConn
B.A in Psychology, Rutgers University—Newark
M.S. Master of Medical Science, Morehouse School of Medicine
MSBP, Master of Biomedical Professions, Lincoln Memorial University
D.O. PCOM Georgia

Alternative dream job: Aerospace Engineer for NASA building and flying space shuttles

Stefanie Henry

Graduate Student
B.S. Neurobiology & French, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Alternative dream job: Jewelry Design and Manufacturing

Ariful Islam

Research Assistant C
M.S. Pharmaceutical Science, Rowan University
M.S. Pharmacy, State University of Bangladesh

Strange but true: sometimes Arif talks to himself

Siva Subramanian

Research Trainee
B.S. Northeastern University 2017, behavioral neuroscience

Currently a medical student at UT San Antonio

Strange but true: Siva is allergic to avocados and cannot participate in the millennial traditional brunch

Kat Ramos

Co-op student 2019
B.S. Northeastern University, biochemistry, expected 2021

Strange but true: Kat is the only person in her family with really curly hair.

Reesha Patel

Co-op student 
B.S. Northeastern University 2019, Behavioral Neuroscience, with minors in marine biology and Spanish

Strange but true: Reesha can sing the alphabet backwards!

Ella Douglas

Co-op student
B.S. Northeastern University 2020

Strange but true: Ella currently has 20 plants and has every intention of collecting more! (And they are LOVING the spring time)

Andy Thompson

Research Assistant
B.S. Vassar College 2018, neuroscience and behavior

Strange but true: Andy messed up playing clarinet solo in front of Meryl Streep

Yong Kee Choi, PhD

B.Sc., Microbiology, Department of microbiology, Inje University, S. Korea. 1992–1999
Ph.D., Biochemistry, School of Biotechnology & Biomedical Sciences, Inje University, S. Korea. 2005

Strange but true: Yong Kee prefers weather in Boston to weather in Korea

Justin Le

Summer undergraduate student
Biochemistry B.S. (in-progress), China Studies minor (in-progress), Stonybrook University

Alternative dream job: violin luthier

Nicole Parent

Summer undergraduate student
Biology (in-progress), Bridgewater State University

Alternative dream job: ecology researcher

Julia Dayton

Summer undergraduate student
Biology and Neuroscience major, Biotechnology minor, Santa Clara University

Alternative dream job: Biotech patent attorney